The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.
Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.
Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!
#1 Love it…
#2 Oh boy…
#3 Grandma wants to get to the good stuff LOL…
#4 Yes we are…
#5 Also, pizza never gets recalled. Can’t say the same for romaine!
#6 Relatable…
#7 Hey, whatever works!
#8 Ok, that’s hilarious. And also something that would probably happen to me.
#9 It’s called rage cleaning and it’s real…
#10 High. The level is high.
#11 Oopsie…
#12 I’m laughing visualizing the “mall walker” pace LOL…
#13 LOL…
#14 Yikes, ok, that is pretty bad…
#15 Yes!! Those are the people that really get you…
#16 My time from putting the clothes in my trunk to Goodwill drop off is at LEAST 5-7 business days LOL…
#17 Yup!
#18 Too funny…who would’ve thought a jean jumpsuit would cause such a ruckus??
#19 Just in case you didn’t feel old enough today…
#20 Right?? Sometimes I would work as a substitute preschool teacher, and one day we walked all the kiddos down to the park on a rope like this one and everybody stopped to smile and wave and it was all too cute…