20 of the Best Tweets From Women This Week

The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.

Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.

Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!


#1 This one had me laughing because my middle name IS Marie!!
#2 Are there people out there that don’t?? Because I feel like that would be weirder…
#3 Right?? One time I showed my kids Brady Bunch re-runs and I mean, I know they had Alice and all, but seriously, whose house is that clean with 9 people living in it? Where are all their shoes??
#4 Totally something I would do!
#5 Why, yes I have…
#6 Seriously, can we make this a thing??
#7 Tweezers are your friend after 40, that’s for sure…
#8 That’s like me with Facebook – every day a new glitch and no way to get a hold of anybody…
#9 So true, who doesn’t love a good sandwich??
#10 LOL…
#11 Introverts, take note!
#12 And perhaps also tell me where I left my phone…
#13 Sorry, but I will never not gasp when I see a puppy retriever…they are simply gasp-worthy!
#14 Ha ha ha…
#15 Now I gotta look into “fruit storage containers”…
#16 Same…
#17 Yikes, don’t mess with the birdwatchers I guess!
#18 Too cute…
#19 So true, I have a whole box full from when we moved into our house ten years ago and anytime I need to know something I just look online LOL…
#20 Right?? No lazy person is chopping an onion…
For more laughs, check out: “20 Hilarious Quips That Perfectly Sum Up Life in a Small Town”