20 of the Best Tweets From Women This Week

The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.

Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.

Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!


#1 I have three Gen Z kids, definitely going to show them this one!
#2 Yup!
#3 I have done this too many times to count, guess I’m a super genius LOL…
#4 Right?? We need pizza coupons more than kids do…
#5 Love me a new dish sponge…
#6 That woman is my hero…
#7 I’m laughing because it’s so true. I have zero control around warm bread.
#8 Actually, I think you should!
#9 Say it ain’t so…
#10 LOL…
#11 Love those kind of plans…
#12 My husband brought home single ply once, but it was during quarantine and we were lucky to get any at all so he was forgiven!
#13 Ha ha ha…
#14 When I was a substitute teacher a kid tried to put his bloody tooth into my hand and I was like, “Umm…can you go get a tissue please??”
#15 Oh boy…
#16 Ouch!
#17 LOL little bit of truth to this…
#18 Ha! Probably because she did 95 other things in between…
#19 This is my husband, nobody can read his writing. He should have been a doctor!
#20 Too cute!
Got a minute to stick around for more laughs? Check out: “16 People Confess Their Funniest Awkward Moments”