25 Funny and Relatable Tweets for the Introverts in Your Life

I was a psychology major in college and in one of my classes we had to take a personality test, the first part of which determined whether you were an introvert or extrovert. My results were split EXACTLY down the middle, which I think fits me perfectly.

If I’m in a big crowd or at a party, I’m an introvert, just counting the minutes until I can go home. But, if I’m in a small group of people that I know and love, I can be very much the extrovert.

Either way, I related to every single one of these tweets…enjoy!

#1 LOL…
#2 Right??
#3 Good for him! Kids do directness and honesty better than adults…
#4 When you live in a small town, good luck with either of those things!
#5 Been there, done that…
#6 I’m gonna use this excuse LOL…
#7 Exactly…
#8 Sounds perfect…
#9 And park somewhere you won’t get blocked in!
#10 Ha ha, yup!
#11 No, there is no simpler joy. Except my crumbs would be Dorito crumbs, not corn chips LOL…
#12 It’s a real conundrum…
#13 All. The. Time.
#14 Obviously…
#15 LOL…
#16 Right??
#17 Funny how when I was a kid I would jump at the chance to answer our house phone, and back then, you never knew who was on the other end of the line. Fast forward to today….my teenagers would NEVER pick up our house phone in a million years! I feel ancient just because we still have a landline LOL…
#18 LOL! This is me, my entire life, going anywhere with my mom. She talks to absolutely EVERYBODY and I just stand around waiting to leave.
#19 Terrifying…
#20 One time I literally did like a full tuck and roll under a window so I wouldn’t be seen LOL…
#21 I just realized almost all of my friends are extroverts…probably NOT a coincidence. I guess they really did adopt me! 🙂
#22 Been there, done that…
#23 I feel this…
#24 As I’m gesturing “no” wildly in the background…
#25 LOL…
For more laughs, check out: “20 Funny and Relatable Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Middle Age”