20 Funny Tweets From Parents That Had Us Laughing Out Loud

Just a quick little round-up of humours quips from some of the funniest parents on Twitter.



#1 Wow, that is quite the field trip!
#2 Exactly…
#3 Relatable…
#4 When I used to work as a substitute teacher, these are the kinds of priceless conversations I would overhear on the playground…
#5 Right??
#6 I guess that’s one way of looking at it!
#7 A horrifying discovery…
#8 True introverts plan it well before that…
#9 Been there, done that…
#10 Poor guy had no idea what he was getting into…
#11 Some days it feels that way!
#12 I have a love/hate relationship with my cast iron skillet for exactly this reason…
#13 Welcome to life in the 80’s kid…
#14 I may have to try this LOL…
#15 I mean, who doesn’t love soggy chicken nuggets??
#16 That girl is going places…
#17 You won’t. Start packing. You gotta start a new life someplace else….
#18 I’m laughing because I literally did this a couple of days ago with a water filter…
#19 My oldest was a banana her first Halloween too! Though my husband was not matching LOL…
#20 The look on the dog’s face is absolutely priceless…
For more laughs, check out: “Top 10 Most Adorable Photos From the Hilarious ‘We Rate Dogs'”