15 of the Funniest Pet Tweets in October 2023

It’s always a welcome sight when an adorable dog or funny cat pop up on my feed to brighten my day.

I’ve rounded up the best tweets about cats and dogs last month…hope these bring you some smiles!


#1 Right?? My dog will sigh all the time like he’s paying the bills around here LOL…
#2 Ha ha, same!
#3 Cats honestly have the best names LOL…
#4 That’s one thing my dog has never tried!
#5 Yup. All. Day. Long.
#6 LOL…
#7 Aww…
#8 I believe it!
#9 Same, but it’s me cooking my 12-year-old blind Labrador dinner while my husband makes his own LOL. But honestly, we both love that dog to pieces…
#10 Relatable, I’ve left the TV on for my dog before…
#11 True love…
#12 The “Did a cat write this?” part cracked me up…
#13 Who would do that to poor Freddie?? That face!
#14 She is cute enough to sit anywhere she wants!
#15 It’s hard work knocking people’s glasses over all day long…
If you enjoyed this post, check out: “21 Funny Tweets That Anyone Who Spoils Their Dog Will Understand”