25 Hilariously Relatable Tweets For Anyone Who Spoils Their Pets

I often hear the phrase, “We don’t deserve dogs” and I fully agree with this sentiment. I think dogs deserve to be a little spoiled, especially when it comes to love and attention.

I’ve rounded up some tweets from people who are doing everything they can to make sure their dog is living the good life (and then some…the last video is sooo over-the-top!)



#1 Of course she would…
#2 Well, when you put it that way…
#3 I’m laughing because I make turkey, rice and veggies for my dog every month and freeze it in meal prep cubes, as a supplement to his dry food. My Lab is 13, blind, going deaf, and the best boy in the whole world and he deserves and appreciates it. My family can have cereal LOL…
#4 Because dog sneezes are just cuter…
#5 Rules are the rules…
#6 I love stories about husbands and dogs they didn’t want…

#7 Somehow I don’t think that’s going to go over too well…

#8 Cute!
#9 I totally get this…
#10 “Pillow” LOL…
#11 Oops…
#12 Dog people get this…
#13 A valid excuse!
#14 At least she now knows what she’s getting into LOL…
#15 Sound reasoning…
#16 Yeah, Karen, didn’t you get the invitation??
#17 Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband, but yeah, this is me…
#18 Sorry, buddy, them’s the rules…
#19 Omg…I think I would draw the line if my husband gave my seat to the dog LOL!
#20 Good luck with that…
#21 Guess we know who is top dog!
#23 Hahaha…
#24 Aww…
#25 LOL…
For some hilarious dog videos, check out “Meet the Funniest Dogs on the Internet – 10 Hilarious Videos That Went Viral”