Out of the Mouths of Babes: 25 Hilarious Quips From Kids

One of the reasons I’ve always loved working with kids is that they keep you laughing, whether they mean to be funny or not!

Whenever I see a funny kid quip posted on social media, there’s always someone that comments “A kid didn’t say that” and I always roll my eyes and think, “Have you NEVER met a child??” Because, honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

I’ve rounded up some of the funniest kid quotes…hope they bring you some smiles!


#1 LOL!!!
#2 That’s a pretty self-aware 8 year old!
#3 Can’t really blame her!
#4 LOL…
#5 Ouch…
#6 Gotta love kids, always looking at the positive angle!
#7 A reason will appear shortly, it always does…
#8 Ha ha ha…
#9 Mom better keep an eye on that one…
#10 Is she currently taking clients? Sign me up!
#11 Fair point…
#12 Not at all suspicious…
#13 LOL…I would never eat carrots again!
#14 This kid is going places…
#15 “Pickles and Peaches” is my new favorite saying…
#16 Yeah, cleaning doesn’t make my heart happy either, kid…
#17 I totally get this…
#18 Target fans start young…
#19 LOL…
#20 He said what we all want to say!
#21 Three year olds are seriously the best…you can’t make this stuff up!
#22 Kid has a point…
#23 Mystery solved…
#24 Love it!
#25 This one made me laugh so hard…
And finally, this little girl who just wanted to play by her own rules LOL…
For more very funny kids, check out “Meet 20 Funny and Precocious Kids Who Are Ready to Rule the World”