Three years ago:
“Mom, can I get a hamster?”
Me: “No. You have a dog.”
Two years ago:
“Can I get a hamster?”
Me: “No.”
One year ago:
“Can I get a hamster?”
Me: “No.”
Day 2 of the pandemic:
“Can I get a hamster?”
Me: “No.”
Day 120 of the pandemic:
I look over at my 12-year-old, my youngest child, who has barely left the house in 4 months, who misses her friends, who is on screens too much out of boredom, who is responsible beyond her years, and who loves animals more than anything.
And before I know it, I’m blurting out, “Get in the car. We’re going to get a hamster!”
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a smile that big. Or seen a child move so fast.
Friends…meet George! (a.k.a. “Hammy G”). He is sweet, and gentle, and everything he does is cute. Look at his tiny hands!! And shhh, don’t tell, but I think I might love him even more than my daughter does. ❤️
I mean, I may or may not have Googled “how to make a hamster hat” this morning. Hmm…maybe I’ve been locked up too long. Ok, ok, I have DEFINITELY been locked up too long. 😂😂😂