The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.
Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.
Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!
#1 This made me laugh because it’s totally something that would happen to me…
#2 Hey, I actually know that pose!
#3 I mean, isn’t it??
#4 Every. Single. Time. And the worst is when you forget the MAIN thing you went to the store to get!
#5 I feel like we have the same husband…
#6 Truth! I love eating snacks all by myself…
#7 Right?? Especially at Target, where you go in for toothpaste and come out with a $150 receipt…
#8 Relatable…and the older I get the more this happens!
#9 LOL…
#10 Ain’t that the truth!!
#11 Took me a minute to get this one! And then I saw that it was tweeted by Wonder Woman – I had that lunchbox when I was a kid LOL…
#12 Me, with my Subway…
#13 I agree with this statement…
#14 If I ever give you directions using east or west, you should definitely not follow them…
#15 I posted a similar tweet once and oh what a debate it sparked! Lots of people double-spacing till the day they die LOL…
#16 Guarantee you that guy was a dad…
#17 Red Delicious are ok, they’re no Honeycrisp though…
#18 Yup, and that’s why I never lock my car…
#19 Anybody remember the giant Thomas Guide? Oh, how I hated that thing, I’ve always been terrible at reading directions…
#20 Score!