20 of the Best Tweets From Women This Week

The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.

Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.

Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!


#1 It’s funny because it’s true! I do love perusing at TJ Maxx, you never know what you’ll find…
#2 Relatable…
#3 I can smell this tweet…
#4 Ouch…
#5 Ha ha love it…
#6 I check to see where this tweet was from because I thought “can’t be from the U.S.” and sure enough, it’s from the U.K. where tea is taken a bit more seriously LOL…
#7 Exactly!
#8 Too cute!
#9 Ok, yeah, that does actually all sound very suspicious…
#10 I’d say either marry him or run, not sure which!
#11 If I couldn’t relax when there are dishes in the sink, I’d never relax at all. When you have three kids, there are always dishes in the sink…
#12 I love dads and their pets…
#13 The best part of this is the name he gave it…
#14 Right?? I had not heard of him until Taylor Swift showed up LOL…
#15 Exactly…
#16 Me, every time…
#17 Agreed!
#18 My husband wakes up before me and I steal his pillow as soon as he leaves LOL…
#19 Ha ha, right?? I do remember this being super handy when my kids were babies…
#20 Ok, that is one terrifying tomato…
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