20 of the Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 “Careful with the needles” LOL!!
#2 Kid needs to find a good hiding spot!
#3 I mean, you gotta give him an A+ for creativity!
#4 Too cute!
#5 Interesting, my kids never ate the applesauce cup either…
#6 Sounds about right!
#7 Relatable…
#8 Thank you…I think??
#9 Aww…
#10 I can get behind this idea…
#11 Yes, yes, and yes!
#12 Ahh, the elusive and rare “gift shop”…
#13 Accurate!
#14 And cook, and maid, and chauffeur…
#15 He’s already a pro!
#16 What crime did she commit because I will commit it too LOL…
#17 Fungus, virus…close enough!
#18 NOT a great visual…yikes!
#19 Kid’s a genius…
#20 Fruit, veggies, protein, and a Bounty bar?? It’s perfection!
And one more I just found, which may perfectly sum up the difference between raising girls and boys LOL…
For more laughs, check out: “The Lies We Tell – 22 Funny Tweets From Parents Who Outwitted Their Kids”