Just a little round-up of some April Fool’s humor to brighten your day.
#1 Ahh, but they are only gullible for so long…
#2 LOL!
#3 The BEST kind of prank!
#4 Too cute!
#5 I don’t blame them!
#6 Sounds about right…
#7 I can relate to this one…
#8 Ouch!
#9 Exactly!
#10 Oh boy…
#11 Ha ha, yup!
#12 Guess you are never too old for a little prank!
#13 My daughter is on Spring Break so there really IS no school today LOL…
#14 So cute…
#15 I LOVE “Thoughts of Dog”! You can check out their top tweets here https://www.imightbefunny.com/dogs/funny-and-wholesome-tweets-from-thoughts-of-dog/
And finally, here’s one from my own family from 2020…

Shout out to my devious 11-year-old who pulled a good one earlier today, asking if she could make homemade “chocolate covered cake pops”.
Of course I said yes, because, a) She is an experienced, really good baker b) It would keep her out of my hair for 5 minutes and c) who’s gonna turn down chocolate during a quarantine?
Her poor brother was the first victim and so excited for his favorite treat that he bit right in. I heard the scream from upstairs.
Chocolate is good. Brussels Sprouts are good. But lemme tell ya – the two should never, EVER be combined. YUCK.
I KNEW I smelled something weird coming from the kitchen…serves me right for being too lazy to investigate!