20 of the Best Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 I mean, she technically listened…kids will find a workaround every time!
#2 That’s either some crazy karma or a bit of a tall tale!
#3 LOL…
#4 That’s sibling math right there…
#5 Well, that’s an easy costume at least!
#6 Ha ha ha…
#7 Aww, time sure flies when you’re raising kids…
#8 Might be the first, but definitely won’t be the last!
#9 So sweet…
#10 LOL…
#11 Same, kiddo, same…
#12 Aww,, how can you be mad at that??
#13 Oh boy…
#14 I can relate…Costco is my downfall!
#15 Ok, a “human of clothes” sounds like the beginning of a horror movie…
#16 Sounds about right…
#17 I guess we’ve come a long way from circling things in the giant Sears catalog…
#18 Oh boy…
#19 Three-year-olds are the best…
#20 The things kids get upset about…I actually have a whole post about it here! “22 Parents Reveal the Funniest, Most Bizarre Reasons Their Kids Had a Meltdown”
Got a minute to stick around? Check out: “22 Hilarious Tweets of Kids Roasting Their Parents That Are Comedy Gold”