Kids are nothing if not honest. It’s one of the reasons that makes them so endearing, and also one of the reasons they can be brutal when the honesty is directed at you.
I’ve rounded up the funniest tweets I could find where kids, mostly unintentionally, just absolutely roasted the adults in their life. Parenting is not for the weak.
Hope these bring you some laughs!
I sing in the car. My 3 y/o daughter was eating an ice cream cone in the back seat and asked me to wait until she finished it. Why, I asked? “So I can cover my ears”
— Jeanette Gault (@jeanette_gault) January 19, 2021
I will never forget the day my young son asked, while looking at our wedding photo “Mom, who is that pretty lady next to Dad?”
— Ulla Meredith (@UllaMeredith) February 10, 2020
My daughter looked at me adoringly and said, “Mama, I love you and your chins.”
— Lara Ehrlich (@TheLaraEhrlich) February 10, 2020