20 of the Funniest Pet Tweets Last Month

It’s always a welcome sight when an adorable dog or funny cat pop up on my feed to brighten my day.

I’ve rounded up the best tweets about cats and dogs last month…hope these bring you some smiles!


#1 I have an orange cat and love him dearly, but yes, I’d have to agree!
#2 This one cracked me up…
#3 Totally something that would happen to me!
#4 Ha ha ha…
#5 Right??
#6 I don’t know, I feel like a cat would never be embarrassed!
#7 LOL…
#8 Truth!
#9 I’m always amazed at the new places my cat will appear in…
#10 Must be a Lab!
#11 Aww…
#12 Ha ha…yup!
#13 Not a funny one, but I had to include because it’s the best!!
#14 Pretty much how it goes!
#15 Guess he is now!
#16 The perfect summary of life with a cat!
#17 Too cute…
#18 So relatable…
#19 I love how he’s looking straight into the camera…
#20 Ha ha ha…
For more pet laughs, check out: “22 Funny Tweets That Anyone Who Spoils Their Pets Will Understand”