20 Hilarious Tweets on Marriage and Parenting From One of the Funniest Moms Around

I love sharing my favorite accounts with you guys, and Cydni B. is someone that always makes me laugh.

Cydni shares her thoughts and feelings on marriage, kids, and friendship…and all of it is super funny and relatable.

I’ve rounded up 20 of her top tweets…enjoy!


#1 Aww…
#2 LOL…
#3 Well played, Cydni, well played…
#4 Now that’s a diet I can get behind…
#5 Well done, kid, well done…
#6 Right??
#7 Or put them in a room with a 5-year-old that never, ever stops talking…that’ll break anyone LOL!
#8 I should take that kid with me to my next appointment!
#9 It’s always a good day for cake!
#10 Kids are the best…
#11 Very effective birth-control right there…
#12 Yup…
#13 Smart man…
#14 Middle-aged me is STILL doing this…
#15 Right?? A clean house and cancelled plans…is there anything better?
#16 LOL…yup!
#17 LOL…
#18 Ahh…nothing like getting played by an 8-year-old!
#19 Oh boy, I think every parent has been busted doing this!
#20 At least the kid was honest LOL!

You can follow Cydni on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more laughs!

For more laughs, check out the popular post: Oh, Boy! Parents Confess the Funniest, Craziest Stunts Their Sons Have Pulled