20 of the Best Tweets From Women This Week

The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.

Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.

Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!


#1 Been there, done that! One time I got so stuck in a dress in a fitting room I thought I was going to have to call out for a salesperson to help me LOL…
#2 Never let them see you sweat…
#3 Relatable…
#4 Gotta love how these kids are thinking we had black and white TV’s in the year 2000…
#5 Yup…
#6 Ok, I just had to Google “euchre”…
#7 Right??
#8 Good times…
#9 Ha ha, I think this was a Hallmark movie…
#10 This is me when the trees change color in the fall, oohing and ahhing everyhwere I go…
#11 Obviously…
#12 And when you can’t find them, they’re on top of your head…
#13 Oh boy…
#14 Yup…
#15 Ha ha ha…
#16 Laughing because I literally put these at the end of every comment I make on these tweet lists…See?? Told ya.
#17 Yes! Love when that happens…
#18 It doesn’t take a detective to figure out this mystery…
#19 Ok, people are hilarious…
#20 Ha ha, but what happens when someone asks her for the recipe for the delicious enchiladas she brought to the potluck?
Got a minute to stick around for more laughs? Check out: “Funny and Fierce: 20 Hilarious Tweets About Raising Girls Who Will Rule the World”