Top 20 Funniest Tweets from the Hilarious “Mommy Needs a Life”

Today I’m sharing some of my favorite tweets from the very funny and relatable Mommy Needs a Life. She makes me laugh on a regular basis and is a great account to follow, especially if you have teens.

She definitely has a knack for saying what all of us are thinking…hope these bring you some laughs!


#1 LOL…
#2 Ha ha ha…
#3 Oh boy…
#4 I would be concerned too!!
#5 Right?? Exactly!
#6 Ha ha ha ha…
#7 All too relatable…
#8 This legit made me laugh out loud…anyone with a teenager can relate!
#9 The perks of having teenagers…
#10 Exactly…
#11 Truth!
#12 At least you build some arm muscles that way!
#13 They will never understand until they have kids of their own!
#14 Yup…
#15 I will spend $200 at Costco and then be so tired from shopping and putting it all away, that we all just have cereal for dinner LOL…
#16 At my house, it’s actually ME who is to blame, I have caught myself tossing spoons in the trash too many times!
#17 There are never enough groceries if you have teenagers in your house…
#18 And this is why I shop online…
#19 Oh I can really relate to this one…
Facebook/Mommy Needs a Life
#20 LOL…so true!

You can find the funny Mommy Needs A Life on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

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