Top 20 Best Tweets from the Hilarious “Rhyming Mama”

Today I’m sharing the very funny “Rhyming Mama”, whose quips are honest, relatable, and always good for a laugh.

Though she has tons of great tweets, I’ve collected my 20 favorite ones for you here.



#1 Good thinking…
#2 Everybody knows a kid (or adult!) like this…
#3 Uphill, both ways, in the SNOW LOL…
#4 Right?? That’s my husband, napping in the middle of the family room…
#5 Gotta love kids…
#6 Oh boy…
#7 Parenting hack…
#8 Uh-oh…
#9 LOL…
#10 I remember watching my kids sleep when they were newborns and how they made all these cute little facial expressions when they slept…
#11 Yup…
#12 That would be upsetting…
#13 Sounds about right for a 4 year old…
#14 Oops!
#15 Kids really do wonders for your self-esteem…
#16 Accurate…
#17 There is no escape…
#18 It’s true…
#19 OMG…
#20 Oh, yikes!!

You can follow Rhyming Mama on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

For a sweet and funny post about how married couples met, check out: “21 Tweets About The Weird and Wonderful Ways Couples Met”