Top 20 Best Tweets From Funny and Relatable Mom Katie D.

You guys know I love sharing funny Twitter accounts with you and today I’m sharing Katie D, a very funny mom and teacher that I follow.

Katie’s quips on parenting, teaching, and life in general are honest and relatable.

I’ve rounded up 20 of my favorites…enjoy!


#1 LOL!
#2 I paid $34 for two movie tickets last night, you better believe I smuggled snacks in my purse!
#3 I saw Titanic at the movie theater with my daughter (re-released for the 25th anniversary) and it felt like yesterday that I had seen it for the first time…
#4 Gotta love Grandparents!
#5 Introvert perks…
#6 I sent this one to my kids and they were like, “Yup, that’s you!”
#7 Oh boy…
#8 Funny kids are the best…
#9 Same with garlic!
#10 Karma…
#11 Pretty much!
#12 Exactly…
#13 I’m laughing right along with her…
#14 Correct…
#15 Sounds like she might!
#16 I feel this…
#17 It really is like a slap in the face…
#18 Ain’t that the truth!
#19 This checks out…
#20 Yup…

You can follow Katie on Twitter and Instagram.

Got a minute to stick around for more laughs? Check out this post I made from YOUR hilarious comments: “Misheard Lyrics: People Reveal The Songs They’ve Been Singing Hilariously Wrong”