25 Hilarious Tweets About Life With Toddlers

Jerry Seinfeld once said, “A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.” I think anyone who has ever spent time with toddlers can relate.

One of the main things I remember from when my kids were toddlers was the “Why?” “How?” “When?” “Why?” “Where?” “Why?” fifty million times a day. Exhausting for sure.

That being said, I absolutely loved those parenting years…the vocabulary explosion, watching them figure out the world around them, the sheer cuteness of their speech.

I’ve rounded up some of the funniest and most relatable posts about life with toddlers…hope they bring you a smile!

#1 Perfect!…
#2 Makes total toddler sense…
#3 Oh boy…
#4 Kids are so literal…
#5 I remember those days…
#6 To a toddler, I guess that’s the most grown-up thing you can do LOL…
#7 Ha ha ha…
#8 Been there, done that…
#9 Hmm…
#10 Toddlers are a LOT…
#11 Gotta report him to the HR Department…
#12 Truth!
#13 I’d buy it!
#14 Toddlers are nothing if not honest…
#15 That’s as good as any other reason toddlers cry, I guess…
#16 Parenting 101 should just be learning how to silently open snacks…
#17 Gotta love toddler logic…
#18 I remember those days well…
#19 What a difference a year makes…
#20 Truth…
#21 Hey, whatever works…
#22 Aww…
#23 Maybe Hal should sleep with one eye open…
#24 Rookie mistake…
#25 You gotta bury those wrappers DEEP in the trash, buddy…
If you have a minute to stick around, check out the funny post “20 Hilarious Tweets Revealing Kids’ Most Comical Confusions”