“Here’s what I’ve learned about raising boys… if you keep ’em busy, they’re fine. You let ’em get bored, they’ll dismantle your house board by board.” – Kenny Rogers
I’ve rounded up some funny and relatable quips from parents of boys to share with you…enjoy!
My son just let his girlfriend “borrow” his hoodie, should I tell him.
— Not Today Eric (@NotTodayEric) November 3, 2023
Today at pick-up, the childcare teacher informed me that my darling son was caught red-handed trying to eat another child's banana. She showed me the confiscated banana as proof. I looked over at him sternly, and caught him trying to eat yet another child's banana.
— sarah (@sarahradz_) July 21, 2023
Me and my son are the only ones home tonight and he talked to me for 2 straight hours until I said "Hey bud I just need a half an hour to do a little bit of work," and he said sympathetically "I bet," then continued talking to me for another 2 hours.
— Kristen Mulrooney (@missmulrooney) June 19, 2024
My son on why Caleb is his best friend at kindergarten: "He doesn't really speak English, so we can skip all the talking and just get right to the karate."
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) October 1, 2021
My 9yo son as I dropped him off at school, "time to make some money!" Apparently he's selling his Halloween candy to the kids who aren't allowed to have candy at home.
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) November 3, 2022
Had dinner with a family who limits their kids’ TV and sugar consumption and after they left my 4yo son rolled into the kitchen on his scooter and said “I eat a million ice creams and watch a million things on TV. It’s the only thing I love.” then rolled away.
— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) August 7, 2024
My son's teacher sent images of all the jackets and hoodies left behind in his class at the end of the school year. 4 out of 5 of them belonged to my kid
— nice things I say to myself (@meantomyself) June 28, 2022
Moms of little boys — go ahead and soak up that sweet baby boy smell, because in a few years his feet will stink so badly you'll pull the car over, convinced there's a rotting raccoon carcass in it.
— The 21st Century SAHM (@21stcenturysahm) May 3, 2018
What’s it like having 4 boys?
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) November 3, 2021
My son just threw a waffle into the ceiling fan so he could see what would happen, with all of his brothers cheering him on.
Send help.
Congratulations on your new baby boy! You will be finding Nerf bullets in strange places for the next 20 years.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) May 11, 2019
Last night, my 3 year old kicked me during a tantrum. As I tucked him in bed later, he apologized. "I'll never kick you again," he said, pulling me in closer and kissing my cheek. "Just do exactly what I tell you to do and I'll never have to kick you again." My son is a mobster.
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) October 4, 2019
My son’s new landlord asked if I wanted a key to the house he will be sharing with three other 19 year old boys and I’ve never wanted anything less in my entire life.
— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) June 22, 2024
My son just said he’s going to call me “Squishy” to match my stomach and now I need to have another kid just so I can have a favorite
— AsKateWouldHaveIt (@KateWouldHaveIt) June 3, 2018
Please pray for my son as he was recently asked to try on a pair of dress shoes.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) October 25, 2019
#15 Yup!
My son when I tell him to smile vs when I yell out “poop!” pic.twitter.com/ui6TuPOaC5
— Adam Perry (@misterperry) September 14, 2022
My son interrupted my phone call to tell me that he was going to die of boredom. I informed him that was impossible since I'm still alive after listening to him talk about Minecraft for the last 5 years.
— KJ (@IDontSpeakWhine) June 7, 2021
My 10 y/o son has a lot of friends who show up on our doorstep but by far my most fave lil dude has got to be the one who always appears holdin a fistful of ham
— DonutHawk (@StruggleDisplay) April 30, 2024
Good luck robbing my house. My home security system is LEGOs on the floor.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) June 29, 2020
You're going to miss this, I whisper to myself as I'm shot in the butt with a nerf gun while unclogging the toilet.
— The 21st Century SAHM (@21stcenturysahm) January 26, 2018
My son just woke up from his nap SOBBING and I asked what was the matter and he said, still crying, “I love trains.”
— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) May 16, 2022
Me: My daughters are fighting non stop this summer.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) July 19, 2022
Parent with sons: My boys tore off our garage door yesterday and painted 1/5 of our house orange.
One time my son was playing “store” in a hotel room we were in. I came out of the shower and he had taken every bottle out of the minibar and stacked them in rows on the floor. “What can I get ya?” he asked. It was a Vegas room with motion sensored monitors. I almost fainted.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) July 14, 2023
If I can pee into a tiny cup at the doctor’s office that I have to hold myself, why can’t boys pee into a giant bowl bolted to the floor?
— Mommy Needs A Life (@mom_needsalife) September 11, 2022
My wife teaches 8th grade, which means half the boys haven’t discovered deodorant yet and the other half have discovered Axe Body Spray
— TwinzerDad (@TwinzerDad) September 3, 2023
Them: What’s it like raising a boy?
— Close to Classy (@closetoclassy) April 10, 2022
Me: I have a 12ft ceiling in my living room and there’s chili on it