25 Hilarious Tweets For National Siblings Day

“Siblings are children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson

Siblings can be our conspirators, our secret keepers, and our competitors. They are borrowers of all things, and returners of none.

They will give you an honest opinion…whether you want it or not.

They’re the only other people who know firsthand how crazy your family really is. They know every single dumb thing you’ve ever done…and they love you anyway.

I’ve rounded up some of my favorite posts about life with brothers and sisters…enjoy!

#1 Guess she didn’t miss him after all LOL…
#2 Oh, the priorities of a four year old…
#3 Busted!
#4 At least she was honest about it!
#5 Truth!
#6 That’s when you run
#7 Gotta love it when kids take things so literally…
#8 Yup…
#9 Can moms use this trick??
#10 So true…
#11 LOL…
#12 I’m betting the designer is the oldest and the daredevil is the youngest!
#13 Yup…
#14 Relatable!
#15 Exactly…
#16 Siblings are never far from your mind, especially when it comes to them eating all the good snacks…
#17 Yup! Only WE are allowed to talk smack about our siblings…
#18 Yup…
#19 Yes, she does!
#20 Truth!
#21 Anyone with a sister can relate to this one!
#22 LOL!
#23 Sounds about right!
#24 I’d move fast too!
#25 Definitely!
And last but not least, one of the most sibling videos ever…
For more on siblings, check out “Sweet Siblings: 4 Adorable Videos That Will Warm Your Heart”
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