Sweet Siblings: 4 Adorable Videos That Will Warm Your Heart

“Sibling relationships are strange. I’d give you a kidney, but you aren’t borrowing my charger.” (unknown) Truer words were never spoken. The sibling relationship is lifelong, and often complicated.

I’m the oldest of three. My brother is four years younger than me and though he drove me nuts when we were little, he turned out to be a pretty great guy. And there are 16 years separating me and my little sister. We technically didn’t even really grow up together, since I went off to college when she was only two. But despite our age difference, as adults we are the best of friends, and speak nearly every day. I am so grateful for my siblings.

These videos I’m sharing with you here all made me smile…I hope you find them as sweet as I did!

#1 Aww, too sweet. I feel bad for the first boy this girl tries to date…he’s going to have to get past her brothers first LOL!

Try watching this without smiling ❤️❤️❤️😍

♬ original sound – Brittany Muddamalle
#2 This sweet boy’s mom, Karin Bennett, says, “My son has the warmest, most tender heart. I captured this after a minute of watching him console his sister who was nervous about going in to her class.”
#3 This little boy tries to comfort his baby sister and then says, “Take a deep breath”. Too cute!
#4 This little guy’s big brother was heading back to college…what a great send off!

My oldest is headed back to college and his younger brother had to let him know how much he loves him. Volume up ⬆️ #brothers #myboys #momof4 #momsoft

♬ original sound – Marilyn
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