Top 20 Best Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy weekend!


#1 Sounds like someone isn’t going to get a very good tip!
#2 Aww, poor dad…
#3 Keep that kid around…
#4 Ha! I learned that in second grade and I can still do it, it’s like my only party trick!
#5 And in your kitchen, and on your kid’s dresser, and in your car…
#6 Figures…
#7 A 5th grader is making his own animated series and I can’t even remember to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer…
#8 Umm…what?? Wackiest sign ever…
#9 Or breathing too loud in their vicinity…
#10 As a former substitute teacher, I wholeheartedly agree!
#11 A kid after my own Italian heart…
#12 I get this…
#13 Hope her mother-in-law doesn’t follow her on Twitter!
#14 Yup…
#15 Me, every time…
#16 LOL…why is this so true??
#17 Ouch…
#18 Right?? Remember Family Ties with Michael J. Fox? They played that after every show…
#19 Omg – this is one of the crazier calls from school I’ve ever heard…
#20 Not sure if she’s a parent, but I’m putting this on my list because it’s so something that would happen to me and it cracked me up…
For more laughs, check out: “The Funniest, Most Accurate Tweets About Married Life”