Friends, meet Chris Judge, cloud doodler extraordinaire from Dublin, Ireland, and creator of “A Daily Cloud”.
During lockdown in the summer of 2020, Chris was spending a lot of time in his garden with his wife and young kids.
As the bio on his website explains: “One very quiet and calm evening Chris spotted some beautiful pink clouds that looked like a monkey and a bear. He took photos of them and on a whim drew very simple pencil lines on them and posted them on Twitter and Instagram. There was a wonderful, positive reaction to them so Chris decided to keep making new ones every day.”
Chris now has over 400,000 people following along on his “A Daily Cloud” pages on Instagram and Twitter. And he has some pretty famous fans out there…I first saw one of his drawings on Jennifer Garner’s Instagram page!
I don’t know if I’ll ever look at a cloud the same way again.
Here are some of my favorite cloud doodles…hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
#1 Well, hi there…

#2 Kitties!

#3 Just saying hi to all the folks passing by…

#4 Fiery dragon…

#5 Just hangin’ out…

#6 It’s SANTA!!!!

#7 Sky tennis, anyone?

#8 Aww…

#9 You don’t want to get on the wrong side of a 4 and 7 year old…

#10 He looks hungry…

#11 Love outdoor concerts…

#12 Coming in for a landing…

#13 Such cool lighting!

#14 This one is so serene…

#15 Just two clouds, laughing it up…

#16 Looks like Clifford, the Big White Cloud…

#17 Polar Bear yoga, perhaps?

#18 I wouldn’t mess with those guys…

#19 Looks like there’s a book coming out…fun!

#20 Pure joy…

You can follow A Daily Cloud on Twitter or Instagram.