21 Hilariously Relatable Tweets That Will Take You Back to Your School Days

Relive the nostalgia of your elementary school days with this collection of funny and relatable tweets.

Hope you enjoy this little stroll down memory lane!


#1 It’s funny because it’s true!
#2 Right?? I will never forget square dancing in 6th grade. Looking back it seems such an odd thing to be part of the school curriculum LOL…
#3 Nothing more exciting than walking into the book fair with $2 in your pocket!
#4 We drank a lot of milk in the 70s and 80s LOL…
#5 Yup!
#6 Totally…
#7 Ha ha ha…and now with ChatGPT it’s a whole new ballgame for teachers to deal with.
#8 Literally only use it to sign my name!
#9 Yup!
#10 So true…
#11 I’d be on board with this!
#12 Yes, we did!
#13 Seriously!
#14 Pretty much…
#15 I was pretty good at the hula hoop if I do say so myself LOL…
#16 Exciting times…
#17 I can feel this picture…
#18 Yes!
#19 I loved this show as a kid…
#20 I bet it made the teacher pretty happy too!
#21 Ain’t that the truth!
And one more I’m adding that I just found, cracked me up!
For more nostalgia, check out: “21 Super Relatable Memes For Anyone Who Grew Up in the 70’s and 80’s”