Ok, all my wonderful middle-aged friends…I’ve rounded up 20 memes that basically sum up our childhoods. From music to TV, to everything in between, if you grew up in the 70’s or 80’s, I’m betting you’ll relate to every single one of these!
Enjoy this little walk down memory lane…
#1 Yup! There was no hair like good old 80’s hair LOL…

#2 Every 80’s kid will get this one…

#3 Ain’t this the truth…the more high-tech something is, the more it seems to break!

#4 OMG, now I can’t unsee it!

#5 Meeeee!!! My friends and I used to try and smooth out the foil as much as we could. I have no idea why we did that LOL…

#6 Some of my favorite shows as a kid…

#7 I still have a few cassettes, but no cassette player to play them…

#8 Oh, how I loved this song…

#9 My husband and I met working at a video store! (Check out our story here: https://www.imightbefunny.com/marriage-humor/the-story-of-us/)

#10 I can FEEL this picture…

#11 My grandmother made so many of these, I still have the one she made me…

#12 Can you smell this photo??

#13 Truth!

#14 And we watched the ABC After-School Specials during the week!

#15 In second grade my friend threw up her bologna sandwich and Fritos ALL over me in the cafeteria. That was the last day I ever ate Bologna OR Fritos LOL…

#16 My kids have never even heard of a collect call…

#17 Yikes…some things have changed for the better, I guess!!

#18 I never wanted anything as much as I wanted that Barbie Dream House with the elevator you pulled on a string…

#19 How many can you remember?

#20 Yes, you do…

#21 I loved my Holly Hobbie doll!

Check out this video…takes me right back to my teen years!
For more 70’s and 80’s laughs, check out “20 Funny Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Life as a Gen Xer” https://www.imightbefunny.com/humor/20-funny-tweets-that-perfectly-sum-up-life-as-a-gen-xer/