25 Funny Tweets About The Childhood Lies We All Believed

Is there a parent out there that hasn’t told at least a little white lie to their child? I’m thinking no.

People took to Twitter to talk about the lies (some small, some big, some pretty strange!) their parents told them when they were growing up.

What lies were you told growing up? Did you tell the same ones to your kids? Feel free to share in the Facebook comments!


#1 Now we need to ask their kids if it worked!
#4 Same…
#5 One of the toughest statements for parents to stick by!
#6 That is one very long-game lie right there…
#8 That’s actually pretty genius. I mean, also a real waste of gas, but genius nevertheless!
#9 Now every time I see cows, I’m going to think of this…
#10 LOL…
#11 That’s one way to get your kids to behave!
#12 One of the most common parental white lies…
#13 Wonder if this guy is still married??
#14 A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do to get a few minutes of peace and quiet…
#15 Oh, man…I’d still be mad at my mom if I missed out on years of French Toast!
#16 Ahh, the old battery lie, I think every parents has used this one for one thing or another…
#17 On a similar note, I was told my dog went to live on a farm upstate…
#18 These all sound pretty familiar…
#19 Reverse psychology at its best…
#20 They re-released Bambi in theaters in the late 80’s and I took my then 3-year-old sister, who is 16 years younger than me. All I remember is her saying, “What happened to the mother?” over and over again incessantly to the point where we had to actually leave and go home!
#21 Don’t know if I’ve ever heard that one before!
#22 Right?? I have literally never encountered quicksand…
#23 Hotel minibar snacks were a big fat NO in my family…
#24 Brilliant…
#25 The moment of realization…
Got a minute to stick around? Check out the popular humor post: “20 People Confess Embarrassing Shopping Moments in Hilarious Twitter Thread”