Friends, meet Jessica, creator of “applesauceandadhd”.
I just discovered her account the other day when I came across her viral video (12.6 million views!) “Aggressive TexMex Tatertot Casserole”.
The title was funny…I mean, what in the world is an “aggressive casserole” LOL??
Now I don’t typically watch a lot of cooking tutorials. But I watched the video and immediately knew I had to share it with you guys.
Because Jessica is hilarious. And REAL. Also, she yells. A lot.
Her kitchen is not picture perfect spotless like what you typically would see on cooking shows.
It’s like any of our kitchens where there are dishes piled up in the sink, and she’s pulling random half filled bags of miscellaneous cheeses to throw together for a recipe.
This “Aggressive TexMex Tatertot Casserole” looks delicious (can anything with Tater Tots really be bad??) but even if you have no inclination to make this recipe, it’s absolutely hilarious to watch.
See?? I told you she was funny. Even my husband was cracking up, and he never thinks anything I show him is funny LOL.
Follow her on Instagram or TikTok for more!