20 Funny and Honest Tweets From Moms Who Keep It Real

I’ve put together a collection of tweets from moms who are both hilarious and relatable. I think we all need a little laughter and camaraderie to get through the trenches of parenthood.

Hope these add a little laughter to your day or night!


#1 Right?? I’ve just been trying to write this tweet list for five days LOL…
#2 Kids never forget…
#3 Sending this one to my kids because they know if they text me anything grammatically incorrect, I will call them out. Waiting for my most annoying mom of the year award any day now…
#4 The only thing worse is when you’re the passenger and your 16-year-old is merging onto the highway!
#5 My kids all have books, but my first child’s book definitely has the most entries!
#6 So creative LOL…
#7 It’s the best…
#8 Finders keepers!
#9 LOL…
#10 Exactly!!
#11 This does make me feel better!
#12 Exactly!
#13 Hey, whatever works!
#14 That could be quite effective!
#15 Exactly!
#16 Ha ha ha…
#17 LOL…
#18 I may have to try that!
#19 Fantasy is right…
#20 LOL…that pretty much sums up life with a toddler!
For more laughs, check out: “22 Viral Tweets from the Funniest Dads on the Internet”