18 Hilarious Photos of Little Kids Trying Their Best To Play Hide and Seek

I’m happy to report that the good old-fashioned game of hide and seek is still alive and kicking today, as you’ll see in this post.

I’m also happy to report that kids are still just the best. As much work as they are, there is nothing more entertaining than a toddler or preschooler trying to figure out the world around them.

I came across a Reddit thread of parents who shared photos of their kids attempting to play hide and seek and the results were just hilarious.

Here are a few of the best ones, hope they bring you some laughs!

And if you have any funny photos of your own kids that you’d like to share, feel free to email me at [email protected].

#1 Aww…nice try, buddy!
#2 If only that pole was a wee bit wider…
#3 A master of disguise…
#4 Her little face!
#5 At least you won’t lose her…
#6 A free standing alligator, would you look at that??
#7 Reminds me of the Wicked Witch’s feet from the Wizard of Oz…
#8 This is hilarious…
#9 This kid is thinking “Nobody will suspect a pool that walks around by itself”…
#10 There’s just one tiny giveaway kiddo…
#11 I love how the dog in the corner is like, “Do ya see him??”
#12 Kid 1: “Is this a good hiding spot?” Kid 2: “Definitely!”
#13 Little kids really do not understand the concept of see-through LOL…
#14 And this little girl, who isn’t really getting the concept here…
#15 Their politeness gave them away…
#16 Kids are seriously hilarious…

She’s not very good at this game 💀😆 #toddler #hideandseek #fyp

♬ original sound – Amber
#17 OMG this cracked me up…
#18 And finally, I thought I would include one of a kid that actually had a brilliant hiding spot!
For more laughs from kids, check out “Oh, boy! Parents Confess the Funniest, Craziest Stunts Their Sons Have Pulled”

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