20 of the Best Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 Kids forget nothing
#2 I used to keep a list of “things I never thought I’d say, before I was a mom”…
#3 Ahh, the lost art of small talk…
#4 Aww…
#5 Wow, kids can sleep one whole minute later…
#6 I do not envy them…
#7 LOL…
#8 Sounds about right!
#9 Now I want to know what’s on his sandwich!
#10 Pretty much!
#11 So true…
#12 Every mom understands this unspoken code…
#13 Oh boy…
#14 Kids are nothing if not dramatic…
#15 Too cute…
#16 Right??
#17 Ha ha ha…
#18 Why didn’t I think of that line when my kids were little??
#19 Grandma and Grandpa are going to get a little visit from the authorities…
#20 Yes, she is!!
To meet some hilarious little kids, check out: 20 of the Funniest Kid Quips From “Live From Snack Time”