20 Funny Tweets on Marriage and Parenting From “My Life As Dad”

If there’s one thing that a must in parenting, it’s a sense of humor. The account “My Life As Dad” is funny and relatable and I thought you guys would enjoy it.

I’ve rounded up 20 of the best quips from him here…hope these bring you some laughs!


#1 This was my youngest with whatever piece of fruit I packed for her…right back home it came!
#2 LOL…
#3 Gonna have my husband try this!
#4 A match made in heaven…
#5 Oh boy, someone is in trouble…
#6 Kids tell it like it is…
#7 Yup!
#8 Oh boy, sounds like he should sleep with one eye open…
#9 Ha ha, yup!
#10 Great plan if only they had been a little quieter!
#11 I suspect a law career may be in her future…
#12 I would imagine this is true…
#13 Ha ha ha…
#14 Ouch!
#15 If you’ve been married long enough, you will understand this…
#16 Gotta love siblings…
#17 The circle of life…
#18 Yes!! Gossip and maybe a little dessert too…
#19 Ha ha, right?
#20 She knows who the boss is…

You can follow My Life as Dad on Twitter, Instagram, and Threads for more!

To meet some hilarious moms, check out: “21 Funny Tweets from the Most Relatable Moms on the Internet”