20 of the Funniest Tweets From Women This Week

The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.

Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.

Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!


#1 This just cracked me up…
#2 Ha ha love it…
#3 Doritos are my kryptonite…
#4 This is the absolute truth…
#5 Uphill, both ways…
#6 Seriously! Although I’d take a flying bug over a crawling bug any day of the week!
#7 Laughing because I made zucchini bread yesterday and both my husband and I had to restrain ourselves from eating the whole thing…
#8 That’s why I don’t wear white ever…
#9 To be fair, that is probably one of the best smells to a six-year-old!
#10 Laughing at this one because my mother has a tattoo and I do not…
#11 Relatable…
#12 Yup…
#13 Ha ha, that is a really cute top…
#14 Hard to resist giving them treats, I know…
#15 What is happening here…
#16 LOL, I have made my fair share of errors on famous sayings…
#17 Right??
#18 Oh I do hope his girlfriend saw this tweet…
#19 Going forward I shall be telling people I had 3 land births LOL…
#20 Wonders never cease at the airport…
Got a minute to stick around? Check out “20 Funny and Spot-On Tweets About Motherhood”