20 of the Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 My kid would get the $1, I’m not setting no $20 tooth fairy precedent LOL…
#2 Dream big, kiddo. Guess she has to choose her words a little more carefully next time!
#3 I have so many questions too!
#4 Can’t really blame the kid…
#5 Parenthood in a nutshell…
#6 This is so true…
#7 Never realized you can bill the tooth fairy LOL…
#8 Especially if it’s math!
#9 Truth…
#10 Kids are nothing if not honest!
#11 Welcome to adulthood, kid…
#12 Sounds about right…
#13 That’s actually a great description!
#14 Yup…
#15 Future comedian…
#16 Not sure which is worse!
#17 I am her people…
#18 Too cute…
#19 Think again, my friend…
#20 Ha ha ha…
For more laughs, check out: “Meet 20 Kids Who Have Everyone Laughing With Their Hilariously Mixed-Up Words”