Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!
Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.
Wishing you all a great weekend!
#1 No kidding, that’s some serious mom points right there!
#2 Kids are oh so dramatic…
#3 Mom for the win!
#4 There’s literally one on my kitchen counter right now!
#5 Oh boy…
#6 Ha ha ha – I wonder who “someone” is…
#7 Important information which must be shared immediately LOL…
#8 Right?? I have to spend 10 minutes rearranging my fridge to get a cookie sheet in…
#9 In California we had a GIANT book of maps called The Thomas Guide…anybody else have that? Kept it on my front seat!
#10 Exactly…
#11 Nothing more terrifying than that!
#12 Brace yourself…
#13 I bet some people noticed LOL…
#14 But of course he is…
#15 Right?? You never know who’s watching…
#16 I just want to know where I can obtain this “perfect circle of parmesean”?
#17 Sounds about right! What is it with kids and rocks??
#18 Wow…that kid is a keeper!
#19 This is both hilarious and creepy!!
#20 Ok, that is so very sweet…