20 of the Best Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 No kidding, that’s some serious mom points right there!
#2 Kids are oh so dramatic…
#3 Mom for the win!
#4 There’s literally one on my kitchen counter right now!
#5 Oh boy…
#6 Ha ha ha – I wonder who “someone” is…
#7 Important information which must be shared immediately LOL…
#8 Right?? I have to spend 10 minutes rearranging my fridge to get a cookie sheet in…
#9 In California we had a GIANT book of maps called The Thomas Guide…anybody else have that? Kept it on my front seat!
#10 Exactly…
#11 Nothing more terrifying than that!
#12 Brace yourself…
#13 I bet some people noticed LOL…
#14 But of course he is…
#15 Right?? You never know who’s watching…
#16 I just want to know where I can obtain this “perfect circle of parmesean”?
#17 Sounds about right! What is it with kids and rocks??
#18 Wow…that kid is a keeper!
#19 This is both hilarious and creepy!!
#20 Ok, that is so very sweet…
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