I just read an article where they surveyed Americans about their favorite season. Fall was the overwhelming winner, with 41% of the vote. Only 11% of people said winter was their season of choice.
And although it’s not “technically” winter yet, it’s cold and it’s dark and fall already feels like a distant memory.
I spent my childhood in New York, and I have fond memories of fun-filled snow days. Fun-filled because I was a child and didn’t have to drive in the snow or shovel anything LOL.
After moving to Southern California during high school, I spent the next 25 years in hot, sunny weather, which may sound great in theory, but in reality, the monotony of it was actually pretty boring.
The lack of seasons was one of the reasons we left California 10 years ago for the Pacific Northwest, which has a great blend of seasons. Not too hot, not too cold!
I’ve rounded up some funny winter memes so grab a hot coffee or hot cocoa and enjoy!
#1 I would like to re-subscribe to Fall, please…


#3 Truth! I see all the teenage boys at our bus stop wearing shorts when it’s 35 degrees at 8:00am. And I’m driving by with my jacket, hat, gloves, and heated seats and I’m still cold!








#18 Don’t do it buddy…remember Frosty??