The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.
Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.
Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!
#1 Ha ha, relatable…
#2 Yesterday I found my car keys in the fridge, so I get it…
#3 Love a confident little girl!
#4 My life with a yellow Lab. Every time I brush him, I make a little pile of his hair and show my husband LOL…
#5 Oh, boy, hope they parted on good terms – could be an interesting flight!
#6 Ain’t that the truth!
#7 Every. Single. Night.
#8 Aww man, I should have got one of those on Prime Day!
#9 It’s a sad day when you’re no longer carded…
#10 Seriously!
#11 It beats the alternative…
#12 Makes sense to me!
#13 Why is this so true…
#14 Next time she’s gotta turn the phone off…
#15 The amount of exclamation points I use when writing is directly related to my mood LOL…
#16 I’m never that person…
#17 Right?? You have to walk around the bedroom and cool off first!
#18 LOL…
#19 Perhaps “dream hobby” would be better…
#20 I’m thinking she’s going a lot pinker than she intended LOL…