20 of the Best Tweets From Women This Week

The women of Twitter never fail to make me laugh with funny and relatable quips.

Here’s a quick little round-up of some of my favorite tweets from women this week.

Hope these help you start the weekend off with some smiles!


#1 So true. Last year my grocery store moved the bananas and apples and I was legit angry LOL…
#2 You had me at “going home”…
#3 I’m laughing because I literally said that to my husband yesterday…
#4 Uh-oh, is this true??
#5 This makes me think of “Grease”. I was obsessed with it as a kid, thought it was the greatest thing ever. Spent months and months lying on my bedroom floor with the record album cover in front of me, singing my little heart out. Fast forward 30+ years later when I watched it with my kids and though I still love it for the nostalgia, I can recognize it had some serious flaws. Also, how did they get away with casting all those people as teenagers LOL??
#6 She must not have a dog…
#7 Right?? How come kids are never named after their mom?
#8 I have a garden and this is the absolute truth…
#9 I so relate to this one. I was so sick throughout my pregnancies and could only eat the oddest things, like tacos from “Chili’s” restaurant, which I would not eat before or since!
#10 Where do they go?? It’s like socks disappearing in the dryer. I’m down to like three and I just bought a giant pack a couple of months ago…
#11 The road snack is the best part of grocery shopping!
#12 Exactly…
#13 I love social media because just when you think you’re the only one that does something – BOOM – suddenly you’re not alone in your crazy…
#14 Gotta love 3-year-olds!
#15 Ha ha I’ve been surprised by this too…
#16 Makes sense when you think about it!
#17 Ha! My kids and I just went to see the live action version of The Little Mermaid last week…
#18 I mean, I cook turkey, rice and veggies for my dog so I’m definitely not judging her LOL…
#19 As they should…
#20 Love it…
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