As a woman, I related all too well to some of these stories.
Every time my husband and I walk onto a car dealership lot, I am virtually ignored.
Which the salespeople quickly realize is a mistake, because I am the one who has purchased every single car we’ve ever had, simply because I am a much better negotiator.
My husband would just walk onto the lot and pay sticker price, and I’m like, “Umm…no, that’s not the way it works, babe.” LOL.
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed these tweets about times women had the last laugh…hope you do as well!
#1 Exactly…
#2 Good move, Grandma…
My grandma in her 60s walked into a music store and was ignored by the young guys. Finally an older salesperson came out and saw she was being ignored. Walked right up to her and asked her if he could help her. She bought 4 pianos. He got the commission.
— Jeanne (@Mully1897) June 2, 2022
#3 Love it!
Guy who rear ended me said he had no insurance and drove off. I threw my shoe at his truck and yep – it landed in the bed. I had his plate # and a police officer returned my shoe 2 days later. Guy insisted truck hadn’t left his garage in weeks. My shoe proved him wrong.
— mona5tx 🐝 (@Mona5Tex) February 22, 2019
#4 Right??
#5 I would have flipped out if someone said that to me…
“When does your husband get home? I’ll explain it to him.” – the last words a contractor said in my house before we found someone else to give thousands of dollars to.
— Call me Shane ❤️ (@shanaschwarz) June 2, 2022
#6 Lesson learned, I bet…
#7 Oh boy…
#8 Smart mama!
#9 Love this…
#10 Don’t mess with mom…
#11 So gross but so funny…
#12 Literally every single time I get an oil change, I get people trying to sell me stuff I don’t need…
I’ve got another one. Daughter is mechanical engineer. Went to get oil changed and guy comes back with a part from the car, told her it was “something” & needed to be replaced. She said “No it doesn’t. Put it back.”😂😂😂
— Troy Brown (@BrownTroy) June 2, 2022
#13 Bet he’ll think twice before he makes another remark like that…
Had an insurance adjuster in the house. He saw all the airplane models. Said I was a lucky girl, to marry a pilot. Um. I’m the pilot. 🙄
— Kandy Bernskoetter (@kandybernsk) June 2, 2022
#14 I love that she has all the photos LOL…
I built my own house 5 yrs ago. I'm 52 yrs old. EVERY SINGLE subcontractor treated me like I was the secretary for the dude building my house. They ignored my advice on how to back down my 265ft driveway. 14 of them drove off and had to be towed out. 🤣🤣
— Delania McLean (@delania_mclean) June 2, 2022
#15 I would laugh so hard if I saw someone do this…

#17 Mic drop…

#18 Good for her…

#19 Respect!