Top 20 Best Tweets From the Funny and Relatable “Very British Problems”

I was on Twitter the other day, and I came across a super funny tweet from an unfamiliar account. I decided to scroll through their feed to check out some more of their content.

Though the account is called “Very British Problems”, as an American, I found myself relating to EVERY. SINGLE. TWEET.

And I’m betting you will as well, regardless of where you are from. I mean, funny is funny, right?

Here are my 20 favorites…enjoy! Janene

#1 Truest statement ever. And the best way to make your house smell really good, really fast!
#2 Exactly!
#3 Ha ha, don’t we all wish…
#4 Me, at the grocery store…
#5 Nighttime brain is the worst…
#6 Right?? Nobody wants to play that game…well, nobody except extroverts I guess!
#7 I’m assuming biscuits is the British term for cookie or cracker? Either way, I do this all the time if I can’t find a chip clip…
#8 Yup! That is definitely code for pissed off…
#9 Exactly…
#10 Especially when you’re a kid and your mom is like, “Here, say hello to Aunt so-and-so” and you don’t even remember who they are
#11 This one may be very British, but I’m thinking Midwesterners will relate!
#12 I can so relate to this…
#13 “Has claimed the platform as his own” LOL…
#14 Sign me up for that job!
#15 Accurate…
#16 Reminds me of a meme I saw that said, “When you sit down in the salon chair in your plastic cape after a shampoo and you wonder if you always been this ugly” LOL…
#17 This translates accurately in any language…
#18 “Skulk and spy from window” – it’s funny because it’s true!
#19 Ok, now I’m going to be on high alert when I say these things…
#20 YES!!!
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