Top 20 Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 What a lucky, lucky mom…
#2 I mean, that is quite the perk…
#3 Been there done that!
#4 Right?? Same!
#5 As a mom of three who has attended a million birthday parties, I fully concur with this statement…
#6 You can always count on your kid to throw you under the bus…
#7 Good save, kiddo…
#8 Ok, now I have to know what that kid did with the scallions…
#9 So true…
#10 I can relate to this kid…
#11 Oh, I remember those days. My son used to call yogurt “tigo” and my daughter would tell us about her “chimnastics” class…
#12 Ha ha, dad is an evil genius…
#13 Oh, if my kids could experience just one day growing up in the 70’s and 80’s like I did…
#14 Ha ha ha…
#15 Truth…
#16 Every. Single. Time.
#17 LOL, Target does have that effect on people…
#18 Guess they could have saved $5000 and gone to their local mall…
#19 Aww, love the innocence of kids…
#20 A picture is worth a thousand words…
Got a minute to stick around for more laughs? Check out: “Funny and Fierce: 20 Hilarious Tweets About Raising Girls Who Will Rule the World”