Top 20 Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Another week and and another round of funny and relatable tweets from parents!

Here are some of my favorite quips from this week.

Wishing you all a great weekend!


#1 Time to find a new job, I guess!
#2 And that’s what you get for trying to explain Shakespeare to a 5-year-old, I guess, LOL…
#3 If I ate 50 pizza rolls, I feel like I might die…
#4 Mine are from searching for my phone…
#5 I feel this one. My three kids are all too old for the kids menu and taking five people to dinner has gotten ridiculously expensive, no matter where we go…
#6 I’m gonna use that line next time someone in my family asks me for something LOL…
#7 And then he billed her $400…
#8 Kids are hilarious…
#9 Kids just do not care LOL…
#10 Sounds about right…
#11 Ha ha ha, older brother trying to be all cool, but clearly they both don’t know who Beyonce is!
#12 I mean, it’s kind of impressive the kid knew how to shut off the water, just sayin’…
#13 Legend would be correct. My husband hates balloons because he says there’s no good ending when you give a kid a balloon – either it pops or flies away and everybody ends up crying.
#14 Yeah, water will do that LOL…
#15 Enjoy it while it lasts…
#16 Good luck, buddy…
#17 This is true…
#18 The only math I’m good at…
#20 I love when kids make up names for things (I have a whole post about it below!)
Speaking of kids’ funny names for things, check out the post “Meet 20 Kids Who Have Everyone Laughing With Their Hilariously Mixed-Up Words”