Every month I peruse the internet for the funniest, most relatable tweets about our beloved pets.
Here are the ones that made us laugh the most in 2023…enjoy!
Me: Do you need to go outside?
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) December 2, 2023
Me: Outside?
Me: Do you need to pee?
Me: Go poop? Go outside?
Me: Ugh. Fine.
Me: [gets coffee and gets comfy on couch]
Dog: You won’t believe this.
I was waiting at the vet last week and an older couple came in to pick up their cat. Typical retired Vermonters – worn jeans, plaid shirts, LL Bean fleece vests. I would've guessed they were there for a Max, Luna, Toby, Bella, Oliver, etc, but no. They were there for SHADOW LORD.
— Cats of Yore (@CatsOfYore) October 3, 2023
My husband: I don’t want a dog. We don’t need a dog. We don’t have time for one.
— Lindsey Boylan (@LindseyBoylan) February 12, 2023
My husband 2 years later: I read an article about dog emotional well-being & we should stop saying goodbye when we leave because Truffle will be more sad. We don’t want her to worry when we’re out.
I brought my dog in a bag on the subway today. Sat next to an older Chinese couple. The man starts giving him pats and scritches, delighted. Then he takes out his phone, types into his translator app, and flashes me the screen. It read: EVERYWHERE I GO DOGS LOVE ME THE MOST
— Bob🎄 Cyclist 정 (@BobaCyclist) May 24, 2023
my pug has 4 beds and takes medicine for his seasonal allergies just like his wolf ancestors
— kim (@KimmyMonte) December 2, 2023
My 3-year-old said she wished we had a pet. I reminded her we have a dog and wow the genuine surprise on her face as it dawned on her that our dog is a pet and not just some other guy who lives here.
— Kristen Mulrooney (@missmulrooney) February 7, 2023
Husband, day 1 of owning a dog: It’s just a dog.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) September 22, 2023
Husband, day 2 of owning a dog: We should give the dog a middle name.
My wife and I have taken 6 photos together in the last 2 years.
— Dan Regan (@DanRegan_Comedy) December 17, 2023
Meanwhile we've taken 93 photos of our dog sleeping since last week.
My friend whose dog I am watching has just text to say there is yoghurt lollies in the freezer for the dog if he wants them. Yoghurt lollies. For the dog. In the freezer. If he wants them.
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) June 10, 2023
Me: I'm interested in your doggy daycare program for my puppy.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) November 17, 2023
Clerk: Okay. It's $45 for a full day, and they get to just play and sleep and eat treats and hang out with other puppies.
Me: Can…can I join, too?
what kills me about long haired dachshunds is that u can tell they want to be taken seriously
— Sydney Battle (@SydneyBattle) November 17, 2023
My husband: we really need to cut back our spending
— Real Life Mommy (@reallifemommy3) December 8, 2023
My dog: absolutely, right after an emergency visit to the vet
This morning I saw my neighbour talking to her cat; it was obvious the poor women thought the cat understood her.
— Dad Jokes (@Dadsaysjokes) October 17, 2023
When I got home I told my dog…..we laughed a lot.
My dog failing puppy school and not being able to walk with the rest of her class at graduation is still the funniest shit ever. The teacher was like “she can always retake the course and try again for her diploma” like my dog gotta get a GED is you serious? 💀
— Scamber Rose ✨🦄 (@ABCDEFGHIrock) November 23, 2023
This is Freddie. He was enjoying his new leg warmers. Until someone told him they were just socks. 12/10 pic.twitter.com/SKfpDXve7b
— WeRateDogs (@dog_rates) October 26, 2023
…i do not have a cat pic.twitter.com/BLygexCdXq
— taylor garron (@taylorgarron) September 28, 2023
picking a silly name for your dog is all fun and games until you need to call for them in public and you’re just standing there yelling tater tot
— stoned cold fox (@roastmalone_) December 22, 2023
— Why you should have a cat (@ShouldHaveCat) July 31, 2023
my husband, who did not grow up with dogs, just came to me very worried because the dog is not eating her food, but is begging for his, so "something must be wrong with her food, she's clearly hungry but only wants mine"
— ❄️mari-lwyd odent❄️ (@oldenoughtosay) May 16, 2023
A few years ago, our new neighbors came over with their young kids. My then 5-year-old introduced our cat to everyone as "my friend, Waffles"
— The Dad (@thedad) February 8, 2023
we went to a new park today. and right at the entrance. was a big bucket of tennis balls with a little sign. that the human said was there in memory of a very good dog. who really liked tennis balls. and that i could play with one. to help that very good dog be remembered
— Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings) May 30, 2023