20 Hilarious Back to School Tweets Every Parent Will Relate To

Back to school time is always a little bittersweet for me. On the one hand, I’m reluctant to step out of the lazier days of summer where I’m not scrambling to pack school lunches and my child isn’t scrambling to find their other shoe before the bus arrives.

But on the other hand, I welcome being able to work uninterrupted for a few hours, and not having to walk around the house saying, “Whose glass is this?” or “Get off screens” for the millionth time that day.

Also, I think the ages of your kids play a part in how you feel about back to school. The below meme sums it up nicely LOL…

I’ve rounded up some funny and relatable tweets about back to school from some of my favorite parents on Twitter…enjoy!


#1 Hate to break it to you, kid…
#2 Right?? School photos are a total racket these days…
#3 Seriously. Not looking forward to my inbox filling up once again…
#4 Ain’t this the truth…three cheers for the school bus!
#5 Aww…
#6 I don’t know, thinking she might get kicked out of the PTA…
#7 I made this mistake only once…and 15 broken crayons later, back to Crayola we go!
#8 LOL…same!
#9 Remember how carefully you chose that first day of school outfit?? Good times.
#10 Touche’
#11 Seriously…
#12 There’s always something funky on the school supply list…
#13 Say it ain’t so, Simon…
#14 I’m Gen X so all my friends were named Lisa or Jennifer LOL…
#15 For real…
#16 Right?? And we are paying full price for half the shirt!
#17 Always best to be prepared!
#18 Ha ha ha…
#19 Too cute!
#20 Seriously…
For more laughs, check out one of my most popular posts: “Oh, Boy! Parents Confess the Funniest, Craziest Stunts Their Sons Have Pulled”