20 Funny and Relatable Tweets From The Mom TruthBomb

So I was browsing through the Instagram account of Sarah Jean over at The Mom TruthBomb looking for something funny to share and I found so much relatable stuff that I decided I needed to do a whole post featuring her.

Sarah Jean is a mom who tells it like it is, which I know we can all appreciate. I’ve rounded up 20 of her best tweets here…hope you will laugh and relate!


#1 Ain’t that the truth!
#2 Yup, we had to pay for every single blurry, grainy photo!
#3 Facts…
#4 Yup! And even past that…whenever my 23-year-old comes home I send her back to her apartment with tons of food…
#5 I felt this way about canceled plans even before I became a parent. But yes, a canceled 8:00am soccer game on Saturday?? I will jump for joy.
#6 Haha, brilliant plan!
#7 My dishes seem to multiply in the sink overnight. Although I can probably attribute that to living with teenagers…
#8 Right?? Is there another motivation to fold laundry?
#9 Me! Do as I say, not as I do…
#10 Gotta give credit where credit is due!
#11 Sounds about right…
#12 Yup! I do this all the time…
#13 Same…
#14 I’m so doing this…
#15 This thought has actually crossed my mind LOL…
#16 I think there was a period of like 5 years when my three kids were younger where I did not take a single uninterrupted shower…
#17 LOL, yup…
#18 Hey, that’s my “spa” too!
#19 Or reading glasses…
#20 Oh, the accuracy of this…

You can follow The Mom TruthBomb on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!

For more laughs, check out this popular post: “25 of the Funniest Tweets About Parenting Teens”