21 of the Funniest Tweets For Super Bowl Sunday

I admit, I’m not much of a football fan. The only football game I’ve ever really enjoyed watching was the one Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe played on Thanksgiving during Season 3 of Friends LOL.

I grew up in a house where my dad and my brother cheered loudly at the TV every Sunday when the New York Giants played, while I hid in a far corner of the house trying to read my Judy Blume books in peace.

But though I’m not a fan of football, I am, however, a big fan of funny. And snacks. Which is why I related to many of the following tweets…

#1 See? That’s a Super Bowl I can get behind!
#2 Agreed!
#3 LOL…
#4 Now THAT is my kind of Super Bowl!
#5 Poor raw broccoli just cannot compete with chips and guac…
#6 LOL…
#7 I have my Trader Joe’s Pastry Bites With Feta Cheese and Caramelized Onions all ready to go!
#8 I get it kid, I really do…
#9 Ha ha truth!
#10 Same! And I probably ask the same ones every year…I’m annoying like that.
#11 Dip is key to a good Super Bowl…
#12 Pretty much!
#13 I think you can just jump right in, sir…
#14 When I would volunteer for classroom parties when my kids were little, it didn’t take me long to figure out that signing up for “plates and napkins” was the way to go!
#15 Smart girl…
#16 Wouldn’t that be nice??
#17 LOL…why have I never thought to do that??
#18 Hahaha…
#19 Or even worse…Costco!
#20 I always love an appetizer dinner…
#21 Too cute…
For more laughs (and some CRAZY stories), check out “Oh, Boy! Parents Confess the Funniest, Craziest Stunts Their Sons Have Pulled”