25 Spot-On Tweets From Funny Dad Simon Holland

Simon Holland is hands-down one of the funniest guys on the Internet. His quips about marriage, parenting, and middle age are always spot-on and super relatable.

I’ve rounded up his most viral tweets on parenting, some new, some old, but all of them funny.

Hope these bring you some laughs!


#1 It’s funny because it’s true!
#2 Seriously…
#3 Yup! The more bells and whistles they put on appliances, the faster they seem to break…
#4 Been there, done that…
#5 Right?? Why is there toothpaste everywhere??
#6 YES!!! A big pet peeve of mine…just GOOOOO!
#7 Jackets are so embarrassing…
#8 My husband did not realize this either LOL…
#9 It’s me. I’m that parent!
#10 This is the only math I’m good at…
#11 He’s not wrong!
#12 Exactly!
#13 Relatable…
#14 Fun times…
#15 Mom’s car would have tissues, napkins, wipes, and a snack!
#16 Right?? So true…
#17 LOL!
#18 So accurate…
#19 Right?? Also, they also overestimate how much we want to “Watch this!”
#20 Oh, the joy of raising boys…
#21 Kids are always my favorite people to converse with…
#22 Ha ha, I finally broke down and bought some, and I have to say, I love them!
#23 It’s funny because it’s true…
#24 I don’t drink coffee but give me dark, quiet, and rainy please…
#25 Agreed, LOL!
For more laughs, check out the popular post “25 Funny and Relatable Tweets About Raising Boys”